5 Diet Plan Saving Tips !

Guilty and frustrated from cheating on your diet plan? These diet plan saving tips will keep you on track!

It’s nine thirty at night and you have followed your new diet plan perfectly to a tee all day. A pizza advertisement comes on the commercial break of your favorite show and you notice it is close to your next mealtime.
Up to the kitchen you go to eat your next meal. When in the fridge pulling out your nicelyprepared diet plan meal, you notice some left over Fettuccini Alfredo your wife or roommate brought home. Sure looks good you think as you catch a little bit of saliva about to drip on your shirt!

“Just a little taste won’t hurt my diet plan,” you justify…

“ I’ve stuck to my diet plan all day……”

A little taste and before you know it you tell yourself the extra carbs and calories will be a good boost to your workout tomorrow!

An hour later your gut is stretching and Indigestion plagues you from cheating on your diet plan!!

“I should have stuck to my diet plan!” is going through your head as you lay down to have nightmares of a fat ass! “Tomorrow I’ll stick to my diet plan “, you chant in your head!But you fall from your diet plan only a day or two later!

The occasional stray from your diet plan can really add up!And billboards,tv’s, radios and people are everywhere pushing fast foods and junk to sabotage your diet plan!

Here are five diet plan saving tips to arm yourself against the onslaught of the Cheating War!

Diet Plan Tip #1 – Eat Slowly – Take your time when you sit down to eat.

The chances you will stuff yourself or overeat diminish and you will reach the point of satiety much more quickly if you eat slowly!

The more you are satisfied with what you have eaten the less likely you will continue to think of food. That chocolate Black Forest cake won’t be as tempting either!

Diet Plan Tip #2 – Have Delicious Meals That Fit Your Meal Plan Prepared Ahead Of Time.

Having meals prepared ahead of time makes it convenient to eat according to a plan and on schedule.

You can make it more convenient to stick to your diet plan than it is to eat that bag of candy by having your diet plan meals prepared and available when it is time to eat– and when you gethungry.

Diet Plan Tip #3 – Get Used To Eating For Your Purpose Instead Of For Your Taste Buds.

Satisfying your taste buds when you get the urge to gorge down a Big Mac will never develop a healthy, lean, muscular physique! Keep in mind you are eating to develop a lean, healthy muscular physique every time you open your mouth! The temporary taste satisfaction of a jelly-filled donut will be gone real fast but the empty calories you just devoured can defeat a whole day’s worth of bodybuilding effort!

Diet Plan Tip #4 – Be creative with your cooking to make sticking to your diet enjoyable.

Ideally, with proper preparation and some reciperesearch you can create delicious mouth watering meals that meet your diet plan criteria. Learn to cook. Employ spices from other parts of the world. India and China are twocountries with interesting choices to really spice up your diet plan. When you don’t have to force feed yourself with your nose plugged the chances are much higher you can stick to your diet plan more easily!

Diet Plan Tip #5 – Drink Water.

Drinking water between meals can help to reduce your hunger pains temporarily by giving a sense of fullness. For those of you that sabotage your diet plan munching here and there,keeping a water bottle with you wherever you go can really help.Just sip away when its oral satisfaction rather than hunger driving you.

Diet and Workout Maintain Bone Health

Regular workout protects the bones from the effects of a calorie-restricted diet, according to a recent study. Since working out prevents bone loss during voluntary weight loss, calorie deprivation should be combined with exercising in order to achieve a balance between losing weight and preserving the bone, according to Dl. Villareal.
Over a one-year time period, nineteen people followed a calorie-restricted diet, another nineteen ate as usual but engaged in regular workout, and ten people from the control group only followed a healthy lifestyle. The results showed a weight loss of about eighteen pounds and a bone density loss of more than two percent among the dieters.

Dieting on Fast Food Not as Incredible as It Seems

If several meal sizes are available, always pick the smallest one. A hamburger and three beef patties have seventy grams of fat and about 1,000 calories while a children`s size hamburger lets you eat only about 300 calories. You are better off choosing the children’s size hamburger.

You may save about 300 calories if you give up the regular French fries or onion rings portion size, and take smaller portions. Or, instead of French fries, chose a baked potato or a salad with low-fat dressing. Other healthy choices at fast food restaurants include fruits, yogurt, steamed rice, apple or orange slices, baked potato chips, or corn.

Don`t avoid vegetables at fast foods. You may have an entrée salad with chicken, shrimp or garden vegetables with low-fat dressing. This choice may help you save 300 calories per packet. Avoid as much as possible salads with deep-fried shells, cheese, croutons, fried chips, bacon bits, or breaded chicken.

On the other hand, you may have grilled or roasted turkey or chicken breast, lean roast beef, or lean ham. Always ask for reduced-fat mayonnaise for your sandwich. If you`re at a Mexican fast food restaurant, ask for salsa instead of nacho cheese sauce or shredded cheese. Avoid tartar sauce, high-calorie condiments, special dressings, and sour cream. To read the rest of this article, go to Project Weight Loss, an online weight loss community featuring calorie counter, carbs counter, BMI calculator, diet planner, workout planner and other weight loss tools. (c) Project Weight Loss 2007. All rights reserved.